revelry: noun | rev·el·ry | \ˈre-vəl-rē\
lively and noisy festivities, especially when these involve drinking a large amount of alcohol. (oxford dictionaries)
Revelry’s maxim is ’epic eats/bangin’ beats’ which is the embodiment of an ownership team comprised of Rachel Yang & Seif Chirchi’s Relay Restaurant Group (Seattle’s Joule, Revel & Trove) and Eric (DJ Evil One) & Karen Bowler, Owners of Portland’s Tube/Fortune and Founding Partners of The Music Trust. With the focus on celebrating a dynamic set of program functions: dining, drinking, music and retail, Heliotrope’s charge was to design a playful, lively space, set inside the historically charming (and challenging) Salvation Army Industrial Home Building located in Southeast Portland. The restaurant shares a direct connection with its’ mountain sports retailer neighbor, evo, and exploits the rough and raw patina of the original structure it sits within.